Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Welcome to the Library of Scrolls

This page will be used to post scrolls that are available in various libraries. In the future, there may be reason to have different pages for different libraries, but for now the most important scrolls are in all of them. Any player who is an Ulor or other high government official in the Zekresh Empire may read these and be presumed to have requested them from a library and received them without requiring gamemaster intervention.

Any other player should probably buy a copy in the nearest market place. Commonly available scrolls of this kind generally cost one bayla. It is not necessary to wait for gamemaster intervention, just post which scrolls you are buying and indicate that you paid one bayla each. Go ahead and read (or even download) the scrolls, don't wait for an answer. You can also sell the scrolls in most marketplaces for about the same amount if you wish, again without waiting for gamemaster intervention. Or you can keep the scrolls and start accumulating your own private library. (Remember, if civilization falls and libraries are no longer available, this page will be taken offline and only players who have scrolls they downloaded will still be able to see them.) An Ulor or other high official who can borrow these scrolls from a library for free may have a copy make by paying a scribe one bayla to make a copy. (Then download it.)

(There may be OOC notes at the top of a scroll indicating the language the scroll is written in or other information. These will be in parentheses. Scrolls where no language is specified should be assumed to be written in the Zekresh language if they are in English and no language is specified in an OOC note. Also, translations of Zekresh terms into English are often given within a scrolll, sometimes with parentheses, sometimes not. These are, of course, not part of the actual text of the scroll since the scroll itself is supposed to be in Zekresh, not English, so anyone who can read the scroll already knows what Zekresh words mean. For example, the online document may say:

a Gurikanan ya Sishan (the Captaincy of the lands of Sish. Sish means Tides in the local language)
a Gurikanan ya Argan Tros (the Captaincy of North Fireland)
a Gurikanan ya Argan Inuva (the Captaincy of South Fireland)

The part in parentheses is a translation of the Zekresh and an explanation of something that is common knowledge in the Zekresh Empire. The actual scroll should be assumed to read simply:

a Gurikanan ya Sishan
a Gurikanan ya Argan Tros
a Gurikanan ya Argan Inuva

The parts of a scroll that are given only in English should, of course, also be assumed to be in Zekresh in the actual scroll.

(Notice as you "scroll down" a document, that in this format, there are no "pages". The documents do, in fact, read like continuous scrolls.)

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